Come on Kim – one week over and we’re counting the days!...
Have three days to spend with the Junior Syndicate this week. The focus is Reading with a smattering of Cybersafety along the way. There are 5 Junior classes at SPS now – big jump from the 3 classes last year. I am doing some modelled teaching sessions in all the classes. Guided reading using a variety of online learning resources using my laptop and the big screen TV. I know how difficult it is for teachers to organise this. Dragging out the huge big screen TV, finding a multiboard, a power point in the right place (maybe an extension cord), running a network extension cord across the class so you get internet access and then trying to tune in the TV to your laptop. AAAaaaahhhh!!!! No wonder it just doesn’t happen – what a mission. It would be good to see AV units with network access (maybe an interactive whiteboard) permanently set up and ready to go in all classrooms – then with some PD and practise things could really start moving along. Anything to make it easier for teachers would definitely help ICT integration in the classroom. Each session I followed the Junior Cybersafety learning resource (developed at EPS and available on Interact) We talked about the number one safety rule for very little kids – never go alone into Cyberspace, always go with an adult. We browsed a number of sites (using as a starting point) then particularly looked at reading sites. I am putting together a web page resource that teachers can use so kids can click straight to these sites and other digital reading resources straight from the school intranet or classroom desktop. Will post this to Interact when its tried & tested.