Wednesday 19 November 2008

More TaraNet Moodling

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14 teachers from TaraNet schools including most of our eteachers for 2009 spent the day at Stratford High learning how to use Moodle. Anton, WelCom ePrincipal, VCed into us for a while in the afternoon & answered some of our questions and showed us a few things in Hot Potato. This was a collaborative workshop in that for most of the day there were no experts but a common purpose - creating a course in Moodle. Some teachers had some knowledge of Moodle from a previous workshop, most were completely new, I had a few things to show & share & then we worked towards our common goal & shared our learning along the way. A goal I set for our eteachers was to have a unit of work prepared before we meet again in December. It is a big ask for teachers to create digital resources from scratch - not so much the technical skills to do so, but the time to create activities to support their online classes. It would be good to get some collaborative teams together nationally to create core resources & course content across a range of learning areas to provide that curriculum support for new teachers & reduce the huge workload. Bringing our eteachers together across the clusters (as we did with our eteacher meetings this year) with the purpose of creating course content & resources together could be something the ePrincipals could facilitate on the VLN for 2009.


Darren Sudlow said...

I like the collaborative approach Rachel. We are having a similar day next Monday.

More than interested in some cross cluster collaboration on this - good idea. You should table for the next meeting.

Unknown said...

Go Rachel.

Collaboration is key. Your eTeachers meeting our new eTeachers in Tauhara and the CoroNet crew will hopefully be a good opportunity to set up further networks of online teachers