Friday, 14 October 2005

Busting Busting

Busting, busting …
I never get sick of Making Movies… no I don’t really especially today working with such keen young film makers as the Douglas kids. Here is an outtake from TT productions entertaining little piece called ‘Flush’! The whole school had an awesome day planning & producing their films – they worked on PCs & Macs using Movie Maker & iMovie. My preference? iMovie by a long shot. Some tips for kids who work with me??? Never, never let Rachel touch your mouse – sorry Summa for deleting your movie – oops… You can see Flush here. Check out Dragon Production’s story about the cool huts they have been making. A popcorn & movie session at the end of the day was a great opportunity to celebrate their work!


richnz said...

Cool movie,,,, where in the world did you get that idea???
Stanley Kubrick has a great quote about motivation and children's learning! This is a good example!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of books... I've struggeld thru Teaching in the knowledge society Andy Hargraves... In the end, again I think he is on about developing profesional learning communities...'they put a premium on teachers working together but also insist that this joint work consistently focuses on improving teaching and learning and uses evidence and data as a basis for informing classroom improvement efforts and solving whole school problems" sorta the same really...
I'm on a motivation kick... I think we should be worrying less about data and more about whats turning kids onto learning. I;d rather spend some time thinking about a new unit of work that is worthwhile, motivating and interesting and meanngful and real than the data I glean from their work to further inform teachng and learning. Anyone else think that literacy and numeracy have us my the ... and is swinging us around!