Monday, 30 May 2005

Eltham Primary

All the best to Graham as he prepares to move to the Merrilands as Principal next term. Eltham will miss you & we will miss you too! :-) Some big shoes to fill there. It’s great to see all the new Principals’ Laptops coming out into schools. Helped clear Graham’s laptop of the many important files ;-) before formatting the hard disk and restoring the laptop to its original state. Offered it out to other schools – some of these ex-lease laptops would be good for schools to pick up to increase numbers and access for our kids (should be many more coming up in the future with the 1st round of teachers laptops coming up to the expiry of their lease term) Keep an eye out for them, check out the history of their use and consider purchasing for your school. On the subject of laptops – news released in the budget is that the laptop scheme has rolled out to all teachers – check out the MOE website and prepare to order them for junior teachers. (Best PD initiative yet!) Worked with Megan & the senior kids on Digital story books. Showed some examples created by SPS kids. Eltham kids have been out with the camera taking Maths pictures around the school – some great pictures of objects illustrating maths concepts. Also did the tour round the Lions Games site – definitely an interest but some difficulty in establishing a class email address. Epals no longer have open email addresses (you can only email within the epal system & not to other people outside Epals). Bernadette has been busy publishing photos of school events – these get laminated and posted around the school. Used MS Frontpage photo gallery to collate these pictures and publish them to the Internet. Check out Eltham’s photo galleries from their homepage.

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