My highlights:
Catching up with all my friends as these are the only times we get to f2f and of course making new friends :-)
Meeting David Warlick who inspired me as a beginning blogger some time ago and also meeting Tom for the first time - someone who i have had many conversations with through our blogs.
Keynotes were very good though i really thought Jennifer's ( was telling the same story that Michael Furndyk told @ ULearn05. The only breakout i attended was Derek's 10 Trends. The rest of the time (not) i was sitting down the lake front watching the waka go out - another highlight.
One more - Conor Bolton - dedicated eTeacher & Volcanics eLearning cluster facilitator running round town trying to find some VC gear to deliver his scheduled L2 Accounting class. The class was rescheduled for the next day and he ran his VC class in the trade hall from the Asnet VC stand in front of crowds of other teachers. I didn't witness this but heard about it. I was very impressed that Conor had the courage & the confidence to share his teaching practise in front of his peers and in such a forum - good on you Conor :-)
Scary Moment
Well I've already blogged this - not being able to connect to my Wiki site with all my presentations on...Well i think it all worked out ok in the end - nobody asked for their money back anyway ;-)
Looking forward to ULearn07 with Ewan keynoting. David lit the spark here - not that we haven't been trying ourselves but i guess there is nothing like a 'celebrity' blogger to make teachers sit up & take notice - especially one with such a lovely southern drawl. I am equally anticipating a great accent from Ewan and for him to fan the flames of the sparks that were lit in Rotorua.
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