Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Lead Teachers Developing Critical Netstudents


TaraNet lead teachers met today for our regular termly VC catchup. We had a PD focus on Netsafety & Info Literacy. I presented a workshop session on Developing Critical Netstudents which was one of my first conference presentations. Presentation & supporting resources are all available here.
We discussed explicit teaching strategies & resources for educating our kids to be responsible 'cybercitizens' This ranged from modelled & guided use of the internet with our younger students, information literacy, to learning about issues such as plagiarism, copyright, cyberbullying, web evaluation,  our 'digital footprints' in a Web 2.0 world. The new look NZ netsafe site has started to provide some structure to this with their 'cybercitizenship pathway'.

Also of interest was a new resource supported by netsafe & other organisations - a 3D animated series 'see how the Jones family fares against the nastiest stuff on the internet'

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