Friday, 25 September 2009

Taranaki Pathways

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Yesterday i had the opportunity to speak to STAR & Gateway teachers & coordinators at their Taranaki Pathways meeting. I was there in support of Education Taranaki’s shortlisted Taranaki Trades Academy & to showcase the STAR offerings available through TaraNet and the VLN.

Current tertiary providers on the VLN are – NatColl (Digital Media & Design), WinTec (Tourism, ECE, Flowers), Telford (Ag, Equine, Forestry…), Otago Polytech (Computing), NorthTec (Food Safety). Also the Aviation Engineering course provided by Caitlins School which looks set for further enrolments from TaraNet schools next year.

I also met the WITT Schools Liaison and so I hope to work with her next term to get WITT up & running with some courses on the VLN.  This would be particularly supportive of our students in the wider Taranaki area who often don’t take up the STAR opportunities on-campus because of the time & travel involved. Apparently WITT STAR courses are mainly made up of New Plymouth students.

It was good to hear from this cohort of educators and hear that the challenges they face are very similar to mine. Some of those challenges are those of schools structures & systems that don’t support the development of personalised learning opportunities for students

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