Monday, 14 December 2009

Ka Kite PPTA ICT Taskforce

Unfortunately i have decided to resign from the taskforce as i will no longer be working full time in Secondary Schools. It has been interesting to be part of this group and to coordinate their discussions back to teachers in my area through our TaraNet Lead Teacher Group. Hopefully someone from this group will put up their hand to take my place in the PPTA.

In reference to an earlier post about Connected Secondary Schools here are recommendations from that report:

  1. That the report be received; and
  2. That PPTA call on the Ministry of Education to undertake a consultative review of funding, staffing and IT support to better support collaborative practices in secondary schools; and
  3. That PPTA urge the government to recognise the innovative work of the Virtual Learning Network (VLN) by restoring funding for e-learning principals; and
  4. That PPTA urge the Ministry of Education to extend its present range of central purchasing to include multimedia copyright licenses; and
  5. That PPTA develop a campaign that places the expectation on all secondary school boards to pay for teacher laptops; and
  6. That PPTA develop a Code of Practice and safe working practices for the use of digital technologies.
  7. That PPTA support central purchasing and funding of a range of software and hardware for schools by the Ministry of Education.
  8. That PPTA call on the Ministry of Education to develop a plan to ensure that all students have access to appropriate hardware and software in their communities and/or homes.
  9. That PPTA urges the Ministry of Education to fund secondary and area schools for appropriate full-time digital technology support.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rachel I'm very sorry to read that your tech savvy will no longer be part of the taskforce. Wishing you all the best. Regards Lynette (PPTA staff)