Tuesday, 23 May 2006

St Joseph's World Tour

Room 8 students went on a World Tour in Google Earth to view the countries they had been studying in their Carmen Sandiago unit. They were all very excited: "When are we leaving? When are we coming home?!" Very cool - here's a shot from Google Earth of our place :-)
Students in Michael's Room 9 class are busy constructing their Year Book - compiling video & images (their pics enhanced in interesting ways...) into a shared Movie Maker project. Look forward to viewing their final product - a work in progress so far. Other teachers explored online resources (including TKI digistore learning objects) that support their reading & maths programmes. They have created short cuts in folders on the classroom desktop with appropriate resources. Their challenge is to integrate these activities into their classroom programme so that all students have opportunites to use them & feedback to me in my next school visit on how it's all going. A big learning curve for everybody these last couple of days.

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