Wednesday, 5 April 2006


Thanks Nicki for letting us know on the CompEd Listserv about the new offer to schools to purchase the full version of ArtRage today for peanuts! ($1 per licence) I was going to blog all about it but see Nicki already has. The image above was created in ArtRage. I sat alongside some 6 year olds today & introduced them to ArtRage - they needed little assistence as its pretty intuitive - maybe a little help to save their work. I have got a trial copy that i can demonstrate in your schools (you can download the free version) The full version though has a lot more tools, and the ability to work in layers which is a big plus.
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1 comment:

richnz said...

Great to see digital art out there. Look at the art and visual symbols in all media! Most of it wasn't produced with a paint brush.. It is as valid an art form as tempra paint and glue and dye and clay and inian ink etcetc..skills to communicate visually and 21stC skill for all!