Monday, 23 August 2004

Stratford Primary

Thanks to Wendy & Elise from Mahoe who worked with teachers in the Middle Syndicate today & with Alison from Stanley School – sharing their knowledge of Movie Making. We went through a brief presentation about the rationale behind Movie Making in the classroom & looked at some examples of the process of movie making & some of their students work. Then armed with a digital camera & a laptop we broke up into small groups & created our own works of art. MovieMaker2 is so easy to use but has its limitations such as only having one track for audio so you can’t have narration and a soundtrack together. Some of the technical concerns were that we had to commandeer other teachers laptops as we needed machines that were running XP – then we found that it was difficult to transfer the photos onto these machines because we were using Mavica’s that used floppy disks and of course our new laptops don’t have floppy disk drives. Stratford accessed contestable funding to cover release time for this PD and plan to pass their new expertise on to other members of the staff.

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